Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Computers & Cataloguing Yahoo group

With the closure of My Connected Community (mc2) at the end of June the information in the Computers & Cataloguing mc2 has been transferred to new online group with the same name in Yahoo groups. As in our former mc2 group the Computers & Cataloguing group in Yahoo groups provides a forum, a place for storing and sharing documents and other files, photographs and a links page.

Increasingly computer databases are used for cataloguing local history and small museum collections in Victoria. Joining this social networking group provides you with the opportunity to share ideas and discuss issues relating to cataloguing collections and using computers whatever the database program used - DB/TextWorks, Access, Filemaker, Collections Mosaic or any other program.
To join Computers & Cataloguing Yahoo groups click the link below and then click the Join this Group button.

If you do not already belong to to any online services provided by Yahoo you will need to fill in an online form to join - otherwise you use the login and password you use for other Yahoo services.

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